
Wednesday, November 4, 2020


On Tuesday we had Athletics. It went for the whole day and I was so tired afterwards. I missed the first half of high jump because of a music lesson so I didn't end up doing that. Then we moved onto long jump which I am usually kind of good at but I stepped backwards so I didn't do very well. After a break and morning tea we went to sprints. In my first race I came 3rd and in my second race I came 2nd. After that I had middle distance and for some reason I was nervous for that but I went pretty well and I came 3rd. Then it was shot put and discus and I didn't do very well in but I don't mind because I don't really like doing them anyway.

Friday, October 30, 2020

11 Ways Manners Help the World Go Better

11 Ways Manners Help The World Go Better

1. Saying hello to someone can help them to feel liked and included 

2. Speaking to someone in a nice way will make them feel happier and they will know that you aren't annoyed or angry with them

3. Being polite and saying please, thank you or excuse me can show that you are grateful and you are not expecting them to do things for you

4. Talking quietly will mean that you don't annoy other people by being loud and only the person or people who you are talking to will hear what you are saying

5. Not punching, kicking, shoving or hitting other people will show them that you respect their space and that you like the m

6. Encouraging other people will help them feel better about themselves and will help then like you more 

7. Thinking about what you say before you say it can make people feel much happier that if you were rude

8. Bad language can be rude and can make people feel sad or angry and it will make people like you less

9. Not blaming other people and admitting your mistakes will make everyone feel better

10. Being honest will make people trust you an like you more

11. Being on time will stop people from having to wait for you

Wednesday, October 28, 2020



This is my script that I have been writing with Sophie and Mak. Meg had to give me feedback by highlighting the parts of my writing in these colours:
I can tell that we have done a good job of describing her actions but we need to describe her appearance and the environment.


Persephone and Mary walking in the forest. Mary holding her dress and stepping carefully. Persephone walking up straight with bold armor.

MARY (with loathing)

Fie! I misprise the forest with all the no more brain than stone mud and dirt! We are going to die out hither!


Mary kicks some stones and then falls down. Persephone sighs and helps her up.


Mary! Thou art brother hast been stolen by the Redmond kingdom and thou art out h're complaining and we art not going to die

Mary huffs and keeps walking with Persephone. After a few seconds the shot changes to Mary's face, close up shot.


How didst thee even becometh mine own brother's knight? thou art just a mistress, thee can’t do whatever thee wanteth.  Thee shouldst be cleaning and s'rving thy husband 'r something

Shot changes to Persephone's face and then back to front view of both of them, middle shot. 


A mistress can do everything a sir can do and bett'r. Thee has't grown up being toldeth your nothing just because thou art a mistress thee has't to has't a husband to be valid and be love.  At which hour very much all thee needeth is yourself and some sort of weapon

Changes to Mary's face with a confused face, close up shot. Mary changes her face to calm. 


Nevermind, thee still answer mine own question, Persephone. How did thee becometh mine own brother's knight?

Middle shot of both of them. Then close up shots of Persephone.


Well I guess it all did start at when I hath lived in the village  when I wast younger.  I wast dainty and lonely living with mine father, he wast the one who did teach me how to square. When he died i just couldn't stand it.  I ranneth off and ranneth into Prince Edward.  He wast running also and he hath tried to square me.  He did fail.

Persephone laughed. Shot changes to a side close up shot of Persephone.


  Time past and we becometh the best of friends.  He hath brought me the the kingdom and then he madeth me his knight.  But we shouldst beest getting along- 

Shot changes to middle shot of Mary and Persephone. Loud noise. Both Persephone and Mary freeze with shocked faces. Shot changes to behind them and then they both slowly turn around. Camera moves upward.


Yep, we art totally going to die.

Scene ends.


Thursday, October 22, 2020


On Tuesday I went sailing. It was so fun! We were split into groups so the year Sevens went on Monday and the year Eights went on Tuesday so I wasn't with many of my friends except Sophie. When we got there they taught us how to put the boat together and then we had morning tea. The boats that we were sailing in were called Optimists which my Dad said would be easy to sail but I found them kind of hard. After morning tea we went down into the water and learnt how to sail the boats. The part that I found hardest was having to steer the opposite way that you wanted to go and also having to swap sides every time that I changed direction because I kept dropping everything. After we learnt to sail the boats we tried sailing in a bigger area and I didn't fall of my boat but I did crash into quite a few people. When we had finished we swam in the lake for a while and the water was REALLY cold. Then I got changed because my clothes were soaking and we went back to school.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Skiing trip

Yesterday we went on a skiing trip to Porters. It was so much fun! We had to meet at school at 6:30 in the morning and I REALLY didn't like getting up early. On the bus trip there I sat next to Sophie for the first half and next to Meg for the second. When we arrived we got our ski boots and skis and I was put into a group with Sophie, Meg and Kiwa. At about 12:00 me, Meg, Sophie and Skye got hot chips and then we
kept skiing afterwards. We actually had to leave early because it was to windy so we arrived back at school way earlier than I expected. It was so much fun though.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Inquiry-Healing Garden

 For inquiry we have a choice of creating a plan for either a vegetable garden, a place for native birds or a healing garden. I am working with my friend Meg and we chose to plan a healing garden. So far we have started to look up about different plants and there uses. We have also been making a list of plants that grow at different times of the year.                                                                                                                                                                      

Wednesday, August 26, 2020


Today In literacy we had to choose out of 5 images and write a story inspired by that picture. This is the story that I wrote.

Every year we come back to this place. 

And every year it’s the same.

The usually glistening sky is concealed by dull grey clouds and shows only hints of blue. As I trudge up the hill

and clamber over rocks, the grassy and overgrown ground gradually becomes highlighted by poppies.The red and

green reminds me of Christmas, although I don’t think that this place should ever be associated with happy memories.

All these things add up to create a depressing feel to this area that drags me in and lingers with me for the rest of the day.

Sometimes when I walk up the slope I wonder what was going through his head as he did the same, did he know that this

was the end? Was he hoping that one day he would come back? Did he really believe that he would see us again?

Now I stand on the top of the hill, wheezing from the treacherous walk up here. I hear my Mum start whimpering and

she covers her mouth to conceal the sobbs. I stare down at the ground and even though his body was removed so many

years ago, when I look at this spot I can almost still see him. Lying down motionless on the grass. I can see my 7 year old self

crouched by his side, my eyes filled with tears, asking him to wake up, shaking him until my fingers find the bullet hole.

That was when I realised that he wasn’t coming back. Mum had walked up behind me, her eyes throbbing and soaked and

she collapsed into a continuous stream of tears as she saw him lying motionless on the ground. I turned around to look

at her and asked those words. Those words that I wish I could never have asked, I wish I had never heard the answer to, I wish

I could go back in time to before those words left my mouth.

“Is he really gone?” 

That was 5 years ago now, and the shock of his death still hasn’t left me, it just sits in the back of my mind and never leaves. But now, all I can do is stand and watch my family as their eyes disappear into a river of tears when they relive the memory of what happened that day. Of course, their experience was different to mine, but I think that I had it the worst. I had to discover that he was dead for myself. My grandparents had the news delivered to them, my Mum wasn’t told but I think she knew anyway. I remember one evening, it was the same day the war ended, I walked down the stairs and saw her sitting on the couch crying. It terrified me, I had never seen her cry and I couldn’t imagine why she would be. My sister wasn’t even born back then, she never even knew Dad so I guess that this day is a lot easier for her than it is for anyone else. Come to think of it I don’t think she has ever cried up here. I wish I could say the same.

Somehow, today I have managed to stop myself from crying, maybe experiencing this every year has made it less emotional.

I stare down at the grass and try to maintain the slight smile on my face, but my vision starts to blur and the tears begin to

stream down my face.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Adrenaline Forest Photos!!!

Yesterday I got some photos from when we went to Adrenaline Forest. I could only find 2 photos of me but and I think they are both photos of when I was on level 4.